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My weekly report from the 25th of December to the 31st of December – a holidayish week at work, ended 2017 strong with a solo trek to the toughest trek in South India \m/
At work, i automated my pipeline and set it up on CRON. The morning report mail is beautiful, a daily reminder of my model running behind those servers! I wrote a script for an hierarchical model for hyperparameter tuning for my xgboost models. Also spent a day penning down my pipeline and its intricacies into an official Confluence page. My first proper documentation, felt good! There’s a reorg in my department, looking forward to see how projects are distributed – there’s quite a lot to learn even from the managerial decisions, it refelects the org’s priorities coupled with managers’ interests.
I’ve made good progress on the Santa Gift Matching competition on Kaggle, put in my first submission using a fairly naive Greedy algorithm. Not at a respectable position on the leaderboard, but its a start. Gonna put in some real efforts over the week! Aiming for a nice little kernel too.
This week, i put out a short skateboard film, “Never Give Up”. Mixed responses – maybe i should make my vlogs faster and a little more intense.
I spent a couple nights on putting out my yearly blog report, [2017 was great | 2018 will be better!](https://shubh24.github.io/shubh24.github.com/report/2017/12/28/2017-was-great-2018-will-be-better.html). Got an overwhelming response, wasn’t expecting it! It is as important to look backward and collate learnings, as it is to plan for the future. |
I climbed up Kumar Parvat(1748 metres) this weekend, all alone, with my own tent and sleeping bag. Was a lot of fun, the trek wasn’t easy but very mangeable. Got in a little tiff with the forest officials as i climbed up a department tower, anything to get the shot! Very excited to edit this one, stay tuned :)
This week, my fitness plans went for a toss – couldn’t get in my long run because of the trek. Also missed a workout session, sleeping in late isn’t an excuse. Getting back on track, new year! Went gokarting with my office team – almost destroyed my GoPro. Its a miracle this little monster still works haha!
That’s it folks! Happy New Year :)