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Shipping a major feature, and exploring our hiring funnel | Weekly Report 136

15 Apr 2019 . category: report . Comments
#radicali #startup #singapore #fitness #hiring #podcast

Welcome to One Three Six.

Over the last week, we shipped out one of the major features that had been in development for quite a while. It involved quite some engineering, but feels good to get some code under the belt :)

i have now started to explore potential first engineers within my network, and have soon realized how difficult it is. While fundraising, you realize that the intent to fund is inherently present in some percentage of the investors. However, in outbound hiring, you have to build that initial intent.

In the meantime, we onboarded another tech intern to our team – excited to ramp up efforts on all parts of our product roadmap! Hiring sometimes feels more resilience than anything!

On the Early Twenties podcast, we put out a bomber of an episode with Nilay Singh, suno suno! We’re also piloting a freelancer to edit our episodes now, so that we’re freed away from the drudgery of cutting, scrubbing and drag-dropping these audio tracks!

On the fitness front, i killed all workouts last week – solid! Proud of putting in six meditation days, and a couple reading days as well! I’m three chapters into Sapiens, and have been wanting to pick it up every now and then, which is a good sign – a sign of a habit being built :)

Okay, keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!