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Work, frustration & runners knee! | Weekly Report 142

27 May 2019 . category: report . Comments
#radicali #startup #singapore #networking #fitness

“Short-term happiness is never the right strategy to live life.”

Welcome to One Four Two.

It’s a funny feeling as i’m writing this blog at the end of a long working Sunday! It defeats the purpose of the weekly blog, as i like to think about the week and reflect over the weekend. But we gotta do what we gotta do :)

It was a rare 6-day workweek, heavy on execution, chasing our month-end timeline goals. The work got a little frustrating at times, and took over my usually unruffled attitude. Taking a step back, it made me realize how good my work actually is – it is easy to get caught up in the day-to-day!

One of the highlights of the week was a networking session, where i met interesting personalities from the VC/Angel investment background. We had a moderated dinner where we talked about questions like “principles” and “impact on our lives” over the roundtable. i love listening to different perspectives, observing & learning the nuances of social behavior.

Last Sunday, i discovered Singapore’s Blossom Bookhouse and bought a huge stack of second-hand books; old pages make me feel so good! I’ve started the oldie from Jim Collins, “Good to Great” – which talks about the key differentiators b/w good companies & great companies, b/w good lives & great lives. I’ve been continuing Taleb’s Black Swan and am two-thirds through. Because i’m not super-familiar with the topic of randomness and economics, it isn’t a naturally relatable read for me, taking a good amount of disciplined mental effort.

On the fitness front, this week has been a big letdown and is a slight scare to my future goals. Despite having a low mileage for the last couple weeks, the runners knee has come back to haunt me after two years! It isn’t as bad as it was in 2017 and i’m able to live life generally, but i’m nowhere close to being race-ready. I have my full marathon planned for the 15th of June, and i’m counting on rest & ice packs to get me back on the line. Owing to this, i ran only once and did 4 upper body workouts this week. Proud of what i achieved despite the setback, will keep fighting.

Keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!