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Rollercoasters are now normalized | BiWeekly Report 168-169

01 Dec 2019 . category: report . 0 Comments
#radicali #startup #singapore #marathon #fitness

This is a biweekly report for the second half of November, it seems like that i have become so used to these roller-coasters in life that they don’t even feel like one.

Made good progress on the work front, as we’re heading towards another deadline in December. Not gonna share a lot here - but a lot’s been happening.

i went to a tech event where i listened to a few people talk about building good tech teams. There’s so much to learn & experiment.

Last weekend, i went for a follow-up on my eye checkup and it turns out that i might have slight astigmatism. There are no new prescriptions as of now, and i’ve been asked to lubricate my eyes regularly - and do another checkup in January. Fingers crossed, this is all very scary.

This week, i spent a couple hours on a data cleaning assignment for a friend - going back to the good old pandas dataframes was fun! Muscle memory gets back in action, and my hands automatically start churning out code.

Earlier yesterday, i ran the Standard Chartered Singapore marathon - my first 42K. It is one of the toughest things i’ve done, and i’m glad that i got my win before end of the year. Exhaustion post-race was such bliss, the brain goes into a state where it is not bothered by anything. People need to be more exhausted in life, the world would be happier and much more peaceful. Everything pains right now, hopeful for a quick recovery.

Thanks to Dad’s scoldings, i have started some new habits around my morning nutrition - but happy that i’m getting it done. Grocery shopping is one of those things i’ve begin to enjoy a lot.

On a whole, November was split halfway b/w Bangalore & Singapore. Fitness & meditation was at an-all time low in India, because of the lack of a routine - i need to get better at it. Overall, i put in 7 meditation sessions & 0 journals. i want to get in at least 15 journals & 15 meditations in December. The last two weeks were okayish in terms of workouts - got in 5 runs & 2 workouts, could be a lot better!

There’s so much to do, so little time. Okay later.


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!