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Hey all, it’s been a while. This is the first report that spans two decades, and hopefully won’t be the last!
Ushered in the new year in Bombay with family, met up with a few college seniors on Carter’s road, had a lot of unhealthy food and took a flight on the first day of the year - back to Singapore. I had done an intense leg day on the 31st, was so difficult walking through the airport XD
I had wanted to write a yearly report for the blog, but didn’t get enough time at home to reflect & look back. When i came back to SG, i headed out to a park and journalled there for an hour - but somehow didn’t feel right to put things out to the world. Feels like i’m still in a tornado, and want to see this through before putting out my thoughts about work & life.
Last weekend, i was down with a cold that lasted till Monday night - made my weekend unfocussed and also half of Monday spent in recovering.
On the work front, last week was a good start to our sprint. I started writing some Golang, which has been a nice learning curve - always good to keep the programmer’s mind active! We had a few interesting meetings, after which we started thinking about our Q2 plans as well. It’s a long game, we all need to stay focussed.
On the fitness front, this week has been good but could be better - got in 2 runs & 2 workouts. Wanted to get some tennis on Sunday, but it just wasn’t meant to be! The fitness goal for 2020 is to stick to a 3RUN-3WORKOUT-1TENNIS schedule as much as possible, i know i’m not in a position to take up any major binary goal - so will be working on consistency. i can see visible differences in my body from last Jan, where i used to be much more regular at the gym - need to get after it.
This weekend has been very restorative & productive. i’ve noticed i relish to-do lists, whether they be at work or at home - it always keeps me on check. Did a reset on my whiteboard with January goals as well. This year’s major personal goal is to be at peace
. This is not easy. I’ve noticed that my mind is in overdrive when i’m working and takes at least 1 hour to get back to normal human mode. Being driven and stimulated is good, but there needs to be a sense of peace internally as well. It’s probably not something that is binary, and needs constant work forever. Just like everything else.