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Turning 28, playing hide-and-seek with routine | Report 310

10 Mar 2024 . category: report . Comments
#houseware #startup #bangalore #delhi #bombay #travel #birthday #fitness

Welcome to 310. This blog had started with the intention of being shipped at a weekly cadence, hence the periodic in the name. The musings are still periodic, but now monthly!

Turned 28 in February, spent the birthday weekend with family in Bombay, grateful for all the time i can spend with them. Living in India is definitely an unrecognized advantage, just because i am a two-hour flight away from them! Ran a 10K on my birthday, when i realized how simple life is - do hard things, do more of them, every year!

i’ve recently joined a cohort-based course with a business coach, and it has made me think through a bunch of questions, at the same time given me good mental frameworks to think through nuanced human challenges. i’m trying to listen with more intent, and pay more attention to what people feel. i typically pride myself on my problem-solving skills, but one question that threw me off was how would i feel if there were no problems in the current moment?

Work’s been fun this last month, there’s a big set of problems that we need to attack head-on. i’ve been going deeper into AI and building abstractions on LLMs. Also, digging into Growth to figure what guerilla tactics will take us from 1 to 10. We moved into a bigger space in Indiranagar in March, our very own space and did a Sunday morning havan to inaugrate things!

Visited Delhi for Sodhi’s wedding, felt so happy to see the happiness and celebrations. Experienced the traditional gurudwara wedding ceremony, very peaceful and heartwarming. Met up with college friends, got to know a bunch of new folks, danced a lot - all in all, a very social few days in Dilli!

Routine and sleep had taken a hit with the travels to Bombay and Delhi, but have gotten back on the grind now. Hit 71KGs, feels good to see progress in the smallest of ways. Got my annual blood test done, all markers are stable. Very proud that my testosterone levels have gone up from 666ng/dL last year to 849ng/dL this year. The gym has definitely helped.

Keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!