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On & Off Routine | Report 313

14 Jul 2024 . category: report . Comments
#startup #houseware #fitness #travel

Welcome to 313, back on the weekend blog after a couple weeks.

313, Finally. i’ve waited too long to use this video on my blog ha!

Been a wild couple weeks for rap. Kdot dropped the video for NotLikeUs, while Em dropped his brand new album. DJT escaped an assasination attempt earlier today, and 50Cent’s ‘Many Men’ came back to life in the zeitgeist.

Not super happy with my health off late. Went down last weekend with food poisoning and ran a slight fever for a day. Earlier this week, developed a throat infection and a slight fever, which brought down my productivity. Hadn’t hit the gym for the entirety of last week and i was visibly getting frustrated with the state of affairs. Routine was off.

Work’s been exciting, as we’re exploring multiple use cases in an agentic world. Building my own viewpoint on how the waves of innovation in AI are playing out, especially at the different abstraction layers of software. i’ve been trying to structure these thoughts and put them out on x, using it as a forcing function and improve my clarity of thought - check here, here and here!

Experienced some mind-blow demos this Friday by our team. Claude’s really wilding out there with its latest release, am looking forward to build some hacks of my own in the coming week.

Visited home last weekend, it’d been about 4 months since i’d been to Bombay. Good trip, but was pretty much restricted indoors due to July rains. They’re quite a spectacle, i wish i can keep coming back to Bombay just to see the rains every year :))

Aight, time to get some sleep so i can kick Monday’s ass. Keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!