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Outcomes are a function of Clarity | Report 314

21 Jul 2024 . category: report . Comments
#startup #houseware #fitness #travel

“Tobey Maguire got bit from a spider, but me? See, it was a GOAT” – Em.

Phew, what bars! Writing another of these reports from an airport gate – i love these ones, penning the blogs looking at these flying machines take off.

Work’s been fun this week as well, as i realize how company-wide outcomes are highly dependent on the levels of clarity in people’s minds. One of our core jobs-to-be-done as leaders is to drive clarity, and execution will follow. At one point, my goal has elevated from “how much execution i drive”, to “how much clarity i drive”. i still put in as many hours, but at a slightly different plane. Think concepts. Think frameworks. Think strategy.

As we take important decisions as leaders, i also realize how crucial of a skill decision-making is. Requires me to develop a sense of charting out eventualities, inverting questions to look at the decision from different angles, being unemotional, but most impotantly, how to trust my gut. i don’t think we get better at decision-making without taking bad decisions – making bad decisions in the past, but still trusting your gut is where the dichotomy lies!

Fitness routine this week has been strong. Put in 4 afternoon workouts at the gym, and this routine just kills the afternoon post-lunch crash! That being said, i’ll be switching my routine to morning workouts from this week onwards.

Gonna get back into the grind from MONDAY, keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!