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Amor Fati | Report 317

17 Sep 2024 . category: report . Comments
#startup #houseware #fitness #travel

Welcome to 317, writing this from SF!

i’d heard the phrase ‘Amor Fati’ from Ryan Holiday a few years back, and it has been one of those things which helps me make sense of whatever’s happening in life. It’s the reminder to zoom out and forget the inconveniences/struggles of daily life, and see what the grand plan is turning out to be!

i’ve been thinking about decision-making as a skillset that can be improved with practice, as long as i reflect on all the prior decisions and learn from them. i didn’t used to look at “decisions” with this lens, but pivots in startup-land definitely teach you a lot about the what/when/how/why of innumberable decisions. Some reversible, some not!

Been journalling quite a bit on the daily – it helps me clear my mind, put all thoughts on paper, and then move to decision-making. The journal is a good reflection of the logical and the emotional brain, and shows in which scenarios i might not be thinking rationally. Definitely a core skill in making good decisions!

On the fitness front, i gained a little bit more weight and crossed the 70kg mark. Calorie tracking has definitely helped, the conscious effort to measure helps me stay accountable to the diet. Now that i’ll be travelling for a few weeks, i need to keep up the bodyweight and then resume the gain from October onwards(targeting a 1kg gain in October).

Keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!