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Living multiple lives? | Report 323

24 Nov 2024 . category: report . Comments
#houseware #startup #fitness #bangalore

Welcome to 323!

i wish teleporting/time-travel was real, and we could all just move to any place in time instantly. Wouldn’t life be so much more fun?! This is one of those “good and hard” quests out there that i would devote my entire life to!

Good and Hard Quests

i realized that earlier in life, i used to think time is limited and i need to achieve all my goals quickly. That’s true, but also i’ve built a PoV where i’m more patient with life, and if that means i change gears to focus on starting a family and building that for 5-10 years, that increasingly seems more and more sensible. Growing up is fun!

Work’s been fun this week, spent a lot of time working with the team in-person. Progress is the best catalyst to create further progress, and i could feel that deeply this week. Spent today morning journalling, i’ve noticed that a lot of what i used to put on the blog now goes in the journal. Definite shift in how i document and share publicy!

Back with a regular cadence at the gym. i clocked 4 sessions this week and PR’d my legpress with 150KG! Legs felt a little weird that day, but interesting to see that i didn’t feel very sore after. Need to keep this consistent through the end of the year, irrespective of any travel plans!

Had a restful weekend after a very long time, met up with a bunch of friends for home lunches on Saturday and Sunday both! Seems like India’s consumer surplus is off-the-charts, the energy/crowd is palpably visible!

Time to get back to my todoist, Keep hammerin’


Shubhankar is an awesome person. He's Co-Founder at Houseware, building the next generation of Analytics. In his spare time, he likes to go out on runs!